Saturday, March 2, 2019

Honey Run Falls

Honey Run Falls is found in Honey Run Highlands Park in Knox County. Honey Run is a small creek that cascades over the cross-bedded Blackhand Sandstone formation falling a total of twenty-five feet. Stream discharge is highly variable depending on the season and precipitation so it may be a trickle or a raging torrent. The falls are immediately surround by hemlock trees yielding a soft green halo. The brown to tan sandstone is mostly covered with lichen and moss providing additional color.

There are many options for photography. Honey Run Falls changes with the seasons. The trees may be covered in leaves or be barren. The leaves may be green, yellow, brown, orange or red. In winter the falls may be choked with ice or there may be just a few icicles. Wide angle shots can include the surrounding rock faces and the pool at the base. More narrow shots may be restricted to the cascade of water coming down the rock face.
Slowly I’m learning what experienced photographers already know, there is often a shot within a shot. The wide angle view is composed of many small views each of which may be worthy on its own. I find myself forgetting about shooting small but I get results that please me when I do. 

Bright sunny days can be a challenge as bright rays of light come through the trees forcing the photographer to choose between blowing out the highlights or severely under exposing the dark areas. So go on an over cast day or early in the morning or late in the evening. Whatever time you choose you’ll find some good shots at Honey Run Falls. 

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